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Anchor 35

0 km

This is a video called the Mad Family. Watch this video to learn more about anger management.
Memory Game

Memory Games
are a great way to increase focus. There are a few memory games along the road to help you to pay attention on your stops.

Memory Game
Destination: Anger Management

Anchor 36
Anchor 37


Drawing is a great way to release anger. Take a moment and draw.

Practice Square Breathing
4 Second Breathe in
4 Seconds hold breath
4 Seconds Blow Out
4 Seconds Hold Out
Then Repeat.

Writing in a Journal is a great way to release anger in a safe way.
Practice writing in the journal here to complete this stop in the mission.

Memory Game
Memory Game
Complete this quiz to complete your mission!

Anchor 38
Anchor 39
this one
The End
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